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Way of the Koi

Updated: Mar 12, 2023

There have been times in my life when I have met truly inspirational people. You know the ones? They just have something special about them and when they talk, you hang on their every word. You feel a connection and things in the world begin to make sense. Nicola Nelson – creator of the ‘Way of the Koi’ is one of those people.

Having the experience of being a midwife, hypnotherapist, author and Rebozo instructor she put this course together to give women and their birth partners the tools and information for a positive birth. It takes away the fear of birth and gives couples evidence based, non-biased information, allowing them to make informed decisions. The tools can be used for any type of birth in any location.

There is a focus on compassion -giving space, compassion and healing to oneself and others.

The scripts are carefully written to guide women on a journey of discovery and empowerment and truly prepares them for birth.

This course also opened a new world for me, and I use the breathing techniques and visualisation for many aspects of my own life.

I hadn’t trained as a hypnobirthing teacher when I had my first child but by being a midwife and having the information and confidence in my own body, I was able to go to 7cm dilation at home before going into the hospital to give birth. The calm that I had at home didn’t transcend into the hospital and knowing and having the tools I have now, things may have been very different.

This course carefully incorporates the partners; however, women can do this on their own, they are very capable of doing anything! Partners have fed back that they have appreciated the course, it has given them knowledge, allowed them to bond with their babies and strengthened the relationship with their partners.

I observe these relationships evolving throughout the classes, which brings me great joy!

So if you are considering the course, what are you going to receive?

The course is designed over four weekly sessions. The weeks in between are for you to practice what has been learnt and download the scripts from that session. The scripts are yours to listen to whenever you like for self-meditation. The course works on the unconscious mind. Using anchoring techniques to put you quickly into a state of calm. Session one is focused on explaining how and why this works.

Included in the course is a beautiful workbook which includes all the sessions so you can refer to what we have discussed and do some self-learning. Along with; the words to the scripts, so your partner can read them if they wish to do so, affirmations, exercises, breathing exercises, guide to using aromatherapy oils, information on inductions, practice planner, birth plan, along with other useful information for successful hypnobirthing. You can also download a free book for using a Rebozo scarf in pregnancy and birth.

You will also receive a goody bag, including tools to support you with your practice.

The Way of the Koi, is honestly unique and beautiful and as a practitioner I feel blessed to have been taught how to deliver it.

The premises (Cocoon Time therapy, in the heart of Braunton), is perfect for this course. The natural surroundings gives a truly relaxing space with bean bags, blankets, rebozo scarves, to support you feel safe and calm.

Please feel free to contact me with any information as I am happy to talk and discuss the course with you or send you the link to book on 😊 T- 07814358022

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